How far is this true? Do partners need time away from each other?
Some people start worrying at the mention of a break. This is especially true in women. When the partner asks for some time alone, they start worrying that this would lead to the end of the relationship.

In every relationship, there comes a stage when one or both partners feel that the other is breathing down their neck. They feel the need for some space and believe that taking time away from each other would help the relationship. How far is this true? Do partners need time away from each other? Is this just a way to avoid facing issues? Let us examine.
Well, there is no simple answer to the question. Every relationship is unique. What one can say for sure is that taking time away should not be used as a way for avoiding issues. If you simply walk away when the problems have piled up, they will be waiting for you when you get back – perhaps with accumulated interest. Therefore it is important that the partners talk on the issue before they take time away from each other.
Some people start worrying at the mention of a break. This is especially true in women. When the partner asks for some time alone, they start worrying that this would lead to the end of the relationship. While we cannot rule out this possibility, it is not the break that causes the breakup in most cases. Chances are that the partner would have already thought about moving on before taking the break. Therefore there is no need to worry about the break. If your relationship is heading towards a breakup, it would happen no matter you take the break or not.
There are several other reasons a partner may want to take a break in a relationship. For instance, a partner may feel that they have lost track of who they are and want to rediscover their own identity. One or both of you might have made too many compromises to keep the relationship. Taking time apart from each other can help the partners in this case and even spice up the togetherness once they get back together.
Remember that only two wholesome individuals can make a great relationship. Some partners get so carried away with their relationship that they forget to nurture their own personality. Such a relationship gets stressful for the partners after some time. Taking time away to nurture your true identity helps the long term interests of your relationship.
If you fear that the break would lead to the two of you drifting apart, know that it is because you have grown apart.
Therefore it would be a good idea to calmly accept a break when it comes. It is something you have no control over. Take it in the spirit of an experiment to see what it does for the relationship. Leave your partner to rediscover themselves and make sure that you are using the time well too. It might be a wonderful opportunity to show your partner something new about yourself as also learn more about them.